Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Hello Peeps!

So, today I met up with my partner to brainstorm some ideas for our final project. Since we chose to make a thriller, we started by watching some film openings to look for some inspiration and ideas. We watched the opening scene of Lovely Bones, where we got the idea of utilizing a voice over at the beginning of out opening scene, to give the idea that the narrator (whoever will be) is taking the audience through the entire story, just like in Lovely Bones where the voice over is giving background information about the main character. 

We were thinking about making the voice over be the character's voice, narrating an event or maybe excusing herself for something she's done. We like this idea because, like I said before, it guides the audience and gives them more detailed information about the film, and also it gives the effect of someone telling you a story, which makes you want to stay and keep hearing it till the end, which is what we want to create in our audience. 
Also we were thinking on what type of story we were gonna create, and we got to the conclusion that the film will consist on a girl killing someone, but we still need to think on the details of the story, if either the girl feels guilty about it or thinks what she's done was the right thing. In addition to this, we decided to start the film with the end, which we believe is a great idea since we are giving the ending but no context whatsoever, and with this we will be able to create a sense of suspense and tension on the audience that will make them want to keep watching the film. 
Regardless, we need to think the idea thoroughly and have it concrete soon, wish us luck!! 

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